Specialist Blinds
For shaped windows, high up windows, hard to reach windows, and roof windows, there are specialist blinds that exist exactly for that window. Whether it be a velux skylight that you want operated automatically via a sun sensor, or a set of shaped pleated blinds for an apex shaped window that you want to operate by hand, we have the specialists and the suppliers to get the job done professionally.
We know not all windows are simple, and many require specific items that suit the window itself. We offer a variety of these specialist blinds including the following:
- Velux Blinds
- Pleated Blinds
- INTU Blinds
- Perfect fit Blinds
- Pinoleum Blinds
- Vertical Blinds
Each style of blind comes with it’s own array of options and fabrics that we will help to guide you through in the decision making process. We hold samples of many things so please feel free to ring and ask if we have what you are looking for so you can see the options available and how it works.
We are happy to have fabric samples sent direct to you so please enquire about the style and colour you are looking for. We can put together a little pack of options we think would work and will send them to your home to browse over.